
Well done David Birkin ??? looking good x

By September 4, 2019No Comments

Well we did it. Ready for tomorrow to welcome our first patients to Alpha vitality Dental and Implant Clinic. This was a bare shell 7 weeks ago. Amazing effort from Steve and Gary ( Synergy) Andrew Lynn ( Architect) George Smith electrics and all the sub contractors, our stalwart joiner and fix everything man Dave Peacock , Charlie ( Breckon) and last but absolutely not least our amazing team led by Lisa who has been in the thick of this from day one! Mix of dentists and staff working late tonight to finish off what I know we will all be proud of and will be a real asset for the town and area. Thank you all.
PS. Should have also said big thanks to Ben Wild and Guy Wells for the artistic touches! I enjoy designing layouts but it’s how you dress them up that matters!
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Automated post from Dental Implants by Jonathan Kennair –
September 04, 2019 at 05:22PM