I am a passionate, enthusiastic Dental Surgeon with over 16 years of experience. My clinical practice is devoted entirely to Implant Dentistry and Oral Surgery, I work in several clinics across the North West. I accept referrals from my dental colleagues as well as directly from patients. I also mentor aspiring implant dentists.
Dr Jonathan Kennair, BDS(Ncl), MFDS RCS(Ed), Dip.MJDF, MSc OMFS(Manc), FFD RCSI(OSOM), Dip Imp Dent RCS(Ed), MDTFEd, FCGDent, FDS RCS(Eng)
About Jonathan
Jonathan graduated as a Dental Surgeon (BDS) from Newcastle University in 2006 and moved to the North West with his wife, a GP. Jonathan has worked in several hospital Oral Surgery posts, general practices, emergency dental clinics as well as a Clinical Teaching Fellow at Manchester University OMFS programme. He has passed many post graduate qualifications in Oral and Implant surgery and medicine and obtained membership of several prestigious Royal Colleges. He is passionate about the fields of Implant Dentistry and Oral surgery and will only place implants made by the world’s leading manufacturers, and use some of the countries most experienced laboratories. He works in several locations across the North West.
Jonathan is happy to hear from potential patients and dental professionals alike. He enjoys seeing patients and training and mentoring dental colleagues to provide safe, high quality, patient centred care.
To get in touch please contact Head Dental Nurse Nadine on Nadine@jonathankennairimplants.co.uk
Qualifications & Professional Development
Diploma in Implant Dentistry Dip Imp Dent RCS(Ed)
Master of Science in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (MSc OMFS(Manc) with Distinction
Conscious Sedation Course
Multi-System Implantology Certificate
Fellow of the Faculty of Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (Oral Surgery with Oral Medicine) FFD RCSI(OSOM)
Diploma of Membership of the Joint Dental Faculties at The Royal College Surgeons of England (MJDF RCS Eng 2012)
Diploma of Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (MFDS RCS(Ed) 2010
Bachelor of Dental Surgery Degree. (BDS, 2006)
I am pleased to be a member of the following organisations

Lunch and Learn
Please contact me if you are a dental professional wishing to arrange a practice lunch and learn event to meet me, get some free CPD and discuss future referrals.