What is the ITI?
Jonathan has been the Manchester Study Club Co-Director for the International Team of Implantology (ITI) since 2017 and the Director since 2021. ITI is a global group of professionals in implant dentistry. The main goals of the ITI are to promote and spread knowledge about the industry of implant dentistry. For more information go here https://www.iti.org
In October 2020 Jonathan became a member of the Faculty of Dental Trainers with the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh. He was able to demonstrate his commitment to, and participation in, dental training and education by demonstrating his interest and participation in dental training based on the three educational domains of: Teaching & Training Activity; Educational Leadership Activity; Publication, Research & Scholarship Activity. Membership level applicants can demonstrate activity in a minimum of five areas across at least two of the three educational domains. He has thus been awarded the letters MDTFEd.

ITI’s purpose is to deliver dental professionals by cultivation networking, discussion, exchange and most importantly, learning. The ITI provide complete, quality education in implant dentistry and also support and facilitate innovative research in this field. The ITI’s aim is to be the be the global scholarly resource on modern developing issues in the field for dental professionals. You can read about Jonathan’s journey here;
The ITI organizes educational products, tools and actions as well as developing educational concepts with an overall aim of education everyone with an interest in implant dentistry.
ITI promotes revolutionary research and supports publication and dissemination of the results. They can provide grants for research into implant dentistry.
ITI cultivates networking among its membership and endeavours to continuously increase the value for its members. It actively addresses continuity within its national Sections with a special focus on increasing the representation of young and female professionals.
The ITI seeks to identify leaders in implant dentistry and in the ITI organization with the goal of developing and promoting the next generation of leadership at the local, national and international level.
ITI’s Vision
The ITI aims to be all of the below, by 2020:
- The premier global multidisciplinary association in implant dentistry
- Shaping the future of implant dentistry
- A relevant, flexible and responsive organization
- The leading academic provider of evidence-based education in implant dentistry (CE)
- A broad network of members at all levels (international, regional and national)
- An organization that sustains growth without compromise in quality
- The leading provider of non-governmental research funding in implant dentistry
- The ideal model for a partnership between an academic association and industry