Are you a dental professional that:
- Wants the very best care for your patients?
- Wants to be kept informed about your patient’s treatment?
- Wants to be included in your patient’s decision making process?
- Wants support and mentoring from a highly-qualified team?
- Wants to learn and develop your skills, all while earning credits for continuing education?
- Wants their patient back after a referral?
Well, you have come to the right place. The Jonathan Kennair Implant team offer all of the above to all Dental professionals including training to Dentists, Hygienists and the Dental nursing team across the North West. Jonathan will personally call every patient after a procedure to ensure they are happy and well and provide 24/7 advice and support to their own dental team as required.
To refer a patient, give the relevant practice a call and ask for a referral to Jonathan.
Alternatively you can email our Head Dental Nurse Nadine;

We accept referrals for the following treatments and services, please click on the appropriate link below:
- Dental implants
- Bone grafts
- Sinus lifts
- Platlet rich fibrin treatments
- Difficult dental extractions
- Ridge preservation
- CBCT/3D scans
- Sedation
- Fractured Dental Implant screw retrieval
- Implant restorative retrieval
In October 2020 Jonathan became a member of the Faculty of Dental Trainers with the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh. He was able to demonstrate his commitment to, and participation in, dental training and education by demonstrating his interest and participation in dental training based on the three educational domains of: Teaching & Training Activity; Educational Leadership Activity; Publication, Research & Scholarship Activity. Membership level applicants can demonstrate activity in a minimum of five areas across at least two of the three educational domains. He has thus been awarded the letters MDTFEd.