Implant treatments that will make you smile

Dental Implants

Dental implants are medical grade titanium tooth root replacements and are a great way to replace one or more missing teeth.

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Tissue Enhancement

Tooth loss is often associated with gum and bone defects; various techniques and materials can be used to rebuild a site for an implant.

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Sinus Lifts

A sinus lift is surgery that adds bone to your upper jaw in the area of your molars and premolars.

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Platelet Rich Fibrin

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) can be used to enhance healing after various implant and oral surgery procedures.

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Dental Extractions

Dental extractions include the removal of one or several teeth from their socket in the bone.

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CBCT/3D Scans

A 3D dental cone beam Computerised Tomography scan (CBCT) allows detailed imaging of the jaw bones and the related structures.

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Dental Sedation

Conscious sedation techniques can be used to allay fear, reduce anxiety and relax patients for a variety of dental procedures.

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Digital Guided Surgery

Digital implant planning and guided implant surgery based on three-dimensional radiographic data provides valuable information...

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Implant Screw Retrieval

Dental implant screw loosening and fracture complications can be as high as 45% over a 10-year period.

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